Everything is moving along according to plan and your new home is really starting to look like a home. Although much of the home is built using concrete block, there is still quite a bit of wood framing. In a two-story home, for instance, we use the wood framing to build the second floor. And the roof trusses, floor joists, plywood floor and roof decking, interior walls on both floors, staircases, bay windows and custom entry areas of your home ALL depend on the flexibility of precision wood framing.
Custom Built Framing
Not all lumber is created equal. Our skilled workers use only premium quality studs for building the walls in your new home that are straight and strong. Also, there are no pre-fabricated or factory-built pieces that snap into place.
Cutting corners on lumber costs is not an option at RGS. All of the wood framing is custom built to order using the latest techniques that result in a stronger structure using less raw materials and minimizing waste. We know that building with the best raw materials from the start will deliver the best results for homeowners.
While we’re busy carefully constructing the interior framing, electricians, plumbers, HVAC, insulators and drywall contractors are patiently waiting for its completion so they can begin installing their piece of the custom home puzzle.
Building Codes
The building code is the minimum requirement that is allowed, why not something above that?
At RGS, we never cut corners and we always aim to go above and beyond the Minimum Building Code Requirements.